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تحميل مجاني لبرنامج الـ PETREL بمختلف الإصدارات

 تحميل مجاني لبرنامج الـ PETREL بمختلف الإصدارات

Free download PETREL 2018 Software

The 2018.2 release marks the 20th anniversary of the Petrel E&P software platform. Since its first commercial release in 1998, the Petrel platform has been continuously developed to enable collaborative workflows with best-in-class technology and leading innovation, seamlessly integrating all subsurface disciplines in a shared earth environment. This unique framework makes workflows repeatable, provides the most comprehensive uncertainty assessment from seismic to simulation, and enables companies to standardize their decision-making processes from exploration to production, delivering unparalleled productivity.

Release highlights

Modeling with Depogrid

Petrel 2018.1 delivers a new grid called Depogrid. This is an unstructured, cut-cell grid built on the premise of interpreted horizons and faults, which fully honors the reservoir architecture and enables complete facies and property modeling workflows by flattening zones to the time of deposition (i.e., depospace). The grid is ready for simulation with no need to upscale cells or convert faults into stair-step mode. Depogrid, together with pillar grid and stair-step grid, contributes to the comprehensive reservoir modeling framework in the Petrel platform that enables high-fidelity static and dynamic modeling of the most diverse structural and stratigraphic challenges, such as complex faulting and subtle compartmentalization. This unprecedented integration in reservoir modeling significantly boosts productivity in field development planning and production.

Geology and Geophysics

The 2018.1 release delivers key enhancements in the geological and geophysical interpretation workflows. Data discovery and integration are optimized by improved robustness of the Studio E&P knowledge platform, management of multiple seismic reference datums, and streaming of real-time mud log data in the well section window. Increased accuracy in seismic rendering is enabled by the introduction of new seismic mesh probes. Performances are continuously improved through multiresolution mapping of large surfaces (>10 million nodes) and multi-thread domain conversion. User experience is enriched by live collaboration, i.e. real-time sharing of objects (such as well tops, surfaces, and point sets) among multiple users while interpreting.


Petroleum systems modeling has never been as integrated, with the new ability to create a 2D project in PetroMod petroleum systems modeling software from a 2D seismic interpretation with one click in Petrel 2018.1. PetroMod software 3D models can also be fully imported into the Petrel platform, enabling the refinement of facies distributions and more, also through the forward modeling capabilities enabled by the GPM geological process modeling software engine. The seamless integration between the Petrel platform and GeoX exploration risk, resource, and value assessment software in this release, enables saving Petrel platform geopolygons (delimiting an interpreted prospect) directly into the GeoX software database for volumes and value assessment. This integration also means that all prospect assessments stored within the GeoX software database can be spatially visualized in the Petrel platform to power a unique representation of the portfolio of exploration resources in the context of the geoscience data and interpretations.

Guru software Included in Petrel Core

With Petrel 2018.1, Guru in-context guidance and support software is delivered within any core licenses of the Petrel platform, guiding every user into the processes, performance of workflows, and quality check of results. Workflow pages deliver recommended best practices, quality check pages ensure that each activity is performed to the highest standard, and theory pages provide users with scientific background to the key functionalities and algorithms available in the Petrel platform. Guru software enables users to access a library of content for a better understanding of what needs to be done, how to do it, and what results to expect, from the start to the end of any task, across exploration to production.

Release details


  • Management of multiple seismic reference datums (SRD)
  • Mesh probes that enhance subtle stratigraphic or structural feature delineation and fault analysis
  • Performance gains in velocity modeling and domain conversion
  • Rock Physics forward and reverse modeling enabling users to apply calibrated rock physics modeling to logs and volumes in forward and reverse directions, respectively


  • Improved performance for large surfaces through multiresolution rendering
  • Studio platform support to send and retrieve surface parameters in the Make/Edit Surface process
  • Improved data management of well objects
  • Real-time streaming of mud log data from InterACT global connectivity, collaboration, and information service to the Petrel platform
  • Enhancements to raster logs

Structural and property modeling

  • Enhanced structural framework usability
  • New fault framework modeling algorithm and QC tools
  • Depogrid next-generation unstructured grid supporting property modeling, visualization, and simulation processes
  • New native geostatistical library for facies and petrophysical modeling and Make/Edit Surface
  • Volume weighting of cells in the facies modeling process, petrophysical modeling process, and data analysis process
  • Improved QC tools for facies and petrophysical modeling:
    • Simbox mode available in Statistics and Histogram tabs for modelled properties
    • Output background trend properties in facies and petrophysical modeling
    • Output background gaussian simulation results when using the Truncated Gaussian simulation method

Exploration Geology

  • Export of 2D and 3D seismic interpretations, including the seismic image from the interpretation window, to PetroBuilder 2D with one click
  • Import of existing 3D PetroMod software models (input) into the Petrel platform
  • Time and depth extractions for 3D modeling results to display properties in the geotime window
  • New accelerated workflows for building of 3D TecLink models in the Petrel platform
  • Depth-dependent volume estimation method
  • Saving of outlines to GeoX software

Reservoir Engineering

  • Case converter
  • User-created custom scripts support
  • Material balance for the Petrel platform


  • Enhanced workflow editor support for Petrel Geomechanics
  • New Power Law creep material modelling now available
  • Sector Modeling for geomechanical simulation
  • Mud weight predictor enhancements
  • Large model support ie. > 100 million cells

Studio platform

  • There are no data upgrade steps required as a prerequisite to upgrading the Studio database and repositories from 2017 to 2018
  • Performance has been improved in a variety of areas:

    • Project indexing stability greatly improved
    • Changes to connection handling has improved performance in many areas which benefits both Oracle and SQL
    • Large well repositories
    • Retrieving large geopolygons
    • Well top transfer

  • Three Ocean plug-ins are included in Studio Manager as apps to enhance data management workflows. There are no additional licenses required
  • P2Studio CRS Sync can be used to update the Studio CRS catalogue from the Petrel platform
  • The well spreadsheet loader enables large amounts of well data to be directly loaded to the Studio platform from spreadsheet format
  • WITSML connector can stream real-time well data directly into the Studio platform from multiple sources
  • Custom repository roles can now be given administrative privileges over specific data types, which will allow editing, moving, and deleting from the Studio platform data tables
  • Stratigraphic charts can be shared with the Studio platform as managed objects
  • Improved support for Observed data in Ocean for Studio Software Development Kit (SDK)

Guru software

  • The Guru software module is now automatically included with all Petrel platform core licenses at no extra cost. A Petrel platform core license now includes all Guru software and quality reporting functionality such as accessing Schlumberger authored content, using the editor to create pages, creating guided workflows, and editing quality reporting test templates

Live collaboration

  • Collaboration sessions can be created and joined by multiple users to review data with others in real time
  • Support is provided for the following objects: well tops stratigraphy/faults/others, regular surfaces, and point sets

Map services

  • An ArcGIS catalog url can be pasted into the search field and will automatically look up all services and layers available
  • Custom style settings can be set for web map layers that support dynamic styling
  • Web map layers can be filtered based on one or more attributes
  • ArcGIS Portal authentication is now supported

Product:Schlumberger Petrel 2018.2

Version: 2018.2

Supported Architectures: x64

Language: english

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer

Size: 1DVD

Download PETREL 2017.4


Petrel هو منتج من SCHLUMBERGERGERS برامج متكاملة لدراسة وحل جميع التحديات تحت الأرض بما في ذلك تفسير المعلومات الزلزالية ومحاكاة الخزانات. تقدم Patrol عملية متكاملة لتطوير ورصد نماذج الخزانات الثابتة والديناميكية، وبالتالي القضاء على جميع مشاكل الاتصال بين البرامج المختلفة لتطوير هذه النماذج وفصلها وتجنب عدم تطابق بيانات الإدخال في كل خطوة أو خسارة. يمنعهم من التدخل في تبادل البيانات الذي يحدث عند استخدام برنامج مختلف.

ميزات وميزات Schlumberger Petrel Software: - 

جميع الأدوات اللازمة من التفسير الزلزالي للمحاكاة يتم دمجها في برنامج متكامل واحد يزيل جميع مشاكل بيانات الاستيراد / التصدير بين البرامج. - بيانات عرض ثلاثية الأبعاد قوية للغاية - القدرة على التحديث بسرعة كبيرة عندما يتم إدخال بيانات جديدة لاتخاذ القرارات أسرع وأكثر أمانا - القدرة على نسخ / لصق النتائج والبيانات في أي تطبيق ويندوز لتقديم التقارير سهلة وسريعة. - واجهة رسومية سهلة الاستخدام مع إمكانية التراجع / الإعادة وتخزين سجل النماذج للاستخدام والتعلم أسهل

مزايا برنامج الـ PETREL :

التعاون والتواصل بين التخصصات المختلفة يستغرق الأمر بعض الوقت لإدراك أن التكامل ضروري ، ومع ذلك فإن تكامل البيانات هو مجرد البداية ويتطلب تكاملاً شاملاً لعمليات الأعمال للحصول على نظرة ثاقبة تفصيلية عن المستودعات ذات الهياكل المعقدة. وقد أدى ذلك إلى حماية المعلومات وامتصاصها من الاستكشاف إلى الإنتاج أو ، في بعض الحالات ، من مصممي حقول النفط إلى هندسة المكامن وما وراءها ، مما أدى إلى رؤية مشتركة للخزان الجوفي. سواء أكان المستخدم يستكشف آبار المياه العميقة أو يطور برنامج حفر الصخور الصخرية ، فإن البترول يوفر قدرة دوران متعددة التخصصات.

وصولا سهلا إلى مختلف العلوم

في الماضي، فإن التطبيق المناسب والسليم للعلوم يعني إعداد واستخدام التطبيقات المختلفة وفصل العلوم المختلفة وعزله. يجمع Petre مجموعة واسعة من العلوم، من تحديث الدبابات إلى معالجة الكمبيوتر إلى Prestack والنمذجة بمساعدة مطابقة التاريخ، بالإضافة إلى المحيط في برامج Petrel، يتيح المحيط استخدام إمكانات البترول الحالية والحالية لمزيد من التطوير والاستخدام. إلى فرق التطوير.

زيادة كفاءة سير العمل

بالنظر إلى زيادة الحاجة إلى الصناعة لزيادة كفاءة المستودعات المعقدة، فإن زيادة الإنتاجية ضرورية. يدعم برنامج Petrel سير عمل قابل للتكرار وأتمتة لتحقيق أفضل الممارسات / المخرجات لتقاسم المشاركة في جميع أنحاء المنظمة. يتم دمج البيانات الجديدة بسهولة في النماذج، مما يؤدي إلى التحديث من النماذج الموجودة من غير متوفرة من مستودعات تحت الأرض.

تحليل عدم اليقين وتحسين سير العمل يجعل من الممكن اختبار واختبار حساسية المعلمات والسيناريوهات المختلفة. زاد الاستوديو الجديد إنتاجية من خلال توفير قواعد البيانات التي تسمح للمستخدمين المتعددين بالوصول وتمكين التعاون المستند إلى النموذج عبر المنظمة.

Required Data For PETREL

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Steps of creating projects using PETREL

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كيفية تثبيت البرنامج

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