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OLGA 2017.2 Course | Lesson1: Introduction

Lesson1 : Introduction

1.          GUIDED TOUR

This exercise will guide you through the actions required to create and run a simple two-phase flow transient pipe simulation using OLGA in a step-by-step manner. We shall start from a basic case since hardly anyone needs to build a case from scratch.


Double click on   

   on the desktop to initiate the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

1.1  Create a Case

With OLGA you may work with a single simulation case in the GUI or you may gather several cases under a common Project.


In this course, you will work in the predefined folder on the desktop where you just stored the files from the USB stick.

Click Browse to locate and select:


DesktopàFA Exercises OLGA 7.2 à Guided Tour

Select the Basic Case (first on the carousel) and then click Create:

This will create a complete case labelled Basic.opi, located in the folder

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\FA Exercises OLGA 7.2\Guided Tour


You will now also see the case label “Basic” on the top bar of the main GUI window.

By default OLGA makes a case container (a Project) with the same label as the case.


A Project file has the extension .opp i.e. the project file name is Basic.opp in this case. By opening a project file, all other associated case files will also open. However, if a project file should be deleted, the case files are maintained.

When working in the OLGA GUI, ensure to save your case regularly.

By clicking on the Case label (Basic), you should see the case main window and you may expand/collapse the case by clicking the (+)/(-) squares.

The main OLGA window (also known as the Canvas) contains the graphic view of OLGA 7 model. The window pane to the left is called “Model View” described by a number of KEYWORDs.

Each element (keyword) in the Model View has a Properties window (normally to the right). 

Essentially, the main structure of the model is made in the Model View, while 

the detailled modelling takes place in the Properties windows.

You can learn more about each keyword by selecting it (click on it) and pressing F1. A user manual Help Window will appear.


For example, if you click on the keyword INTEGRATION and F1, the User Manual should open on the relevant page:

 You may want to take a closer look at the case and the concept of Project. Select the main window by clicking:

File à Help à OLGA Help

Click on “Contents” à “Graphical User Interface (GUI)” à ”Introduction to projects and cases”.

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