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الآن كتاب شامل ومبسط في الثيرموديناميك Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics ل Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro

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الآن كتاب شامل ومبسط في الثيرموديناميك
Fundamentals of Engineering 
Thermodynamics by
Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro 
الآن كتاب في الثيرموديناميك Fundamentals of Engineering  Thermodynamics  ل Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro

تنزيل الكتاب مجاناً

الآن ولأول مرة ، أصبحت الثيرمو ديناميك سهلة بين يديك ولكل باحث

Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics 
Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro 
بتبويباته المبسطة والمتدرجة أصبح سهلاً بين يديك ، مع سهولة الإقتباس والنسخ منه

ثم سيتلوه إن شاء الله تحميل حلول للأبواب كاملة  ، ل 14 باباً في الثيرمو 


Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics 
Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro  

Presents a comprehensive and 
rigorous treatment of the 
subject from the classical perspective to offer a problem-solving methodology that encourages systematic thinking. Noted for its treatment of the second law, this text clearly presents both theory and application. The presentation of chemical availability has been extended by a cutting- 
edge discussion of standard chemical availability. 
Design applications and problems have been updated 
to include economic considerations. Environmental 
topics have also been expanded and updated. The new version of Interactive Thermodynamics (IT) is a powerful windows-based software program that now includes equation-solver, printing, graphing, data retrival and simulation capabilities.

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 You can download 2020 version for free as well, just click on the following button to start the download.

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