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ماهي المهام التي يقوم بها برنامج PIPESIM 2017.2

ماهي المهام التي يقوم بها برنامج PIPESIM 2017.2


Chapter1: Oil well performance analysis

1)    Build the well model
2)    Perform a NODAL analysis
3)    Generate a pressure/temperature profile
4)    Calibrate PVT data
5)    Sensitize on the well PI to match well performance
6)    Analyze water cut sensitivity
7)    Evaluate gas lift performance
8)     Model multiple completions
9)    Model a downhole choke

Chapter2: Gas well performance analysis

1)    Create a compositional fluid model for a gas well.
2)    Calculate gas well deliverability.
3)    Calibrate the inflow model using multipoint test data.
4)    Select a tubing size.
5)    Model a flowline and choke.
6)    Predict future production rates.
7)    Determine a critical gas rate to prevent well loading

Chapter3: Subsea tieback design

Four flow assurance issues are covered in this module; hydrates, heat loss, erosion, and liquid slugging.
In this tutorial, you will perform the following tasks:
1)    Size the subsea tieback and riser.
2)    Select tieback insulation thickness.
3)    Determine the methanol requirement.
4)    Screen for severe riser slugging.
5)    Size a slug catcher.

Chapter4: Looped gas gathering network

1)    Model a pipeline network
2)    Screen the network for erosion Issues

Chapter5: Manual creation of a simple network model on the GIS map

In this tutorial, you will
1)    build the network model on a GIS map.
2)    Automatic creation of a network model on the GIS map.
3)    Use of inline heating for wax mitigation.
